client = static::createClient(); // Ensure we have a clean database $container = static::getContainer(); /** @var EntityManager $em */ $em = $container->get('doctrine')->getManager(); $this->userRepository = $container->get(::class); foreach ($this->userRepository->findAll() as $user) { $em->remove($user); } $em->flush(); } public function testRegister(): void { // Register a new user $this->client->request('GET', '/register'); self::assertResponseIsSuccessful(); self::assertPageTitleContains('Register'); $this->client->submitForm('Register', [ 'registration_form[email]' => '', 'registration_form[plainPassword]' => 'password', 'registration_form[agreeTerms]' => true, ]); // Ensure the response redirects after submitting the form, the user exists, and is not verified // self::assertResponseRedirects('/'); @TODO: set the appropriate path that the user is redirected to. self::assertCount(1, $this->userRepository->findAll()); } }